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Tutorial YouTube Net Free

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olho nos detalhes!

Para fazer uma configuração ssh não é só fazer tem muitos detalhes, se você não sabe ler corretamente ou fazer pesquisas  para descobrir outros detalhes, dificilmente vai conseguir montar o quebra cabeça.
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Rotear internet para casa toda
Com este app vc vai rotear sua Internet com a casa toda.


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Início das coisas

HTTP Injector

Mobile proxy server with the ability to modify requests and access blocked websites behind firewall, etc.


Before we get started, let's understand the meaning
[Main]PayloadHTTP header data payload that will be injected
Remote ProxyRemote HTTP proxy (ex: Squid proxy/APN proxy)
Debug ModeShow your data that you send/received in app log (Please turn off during normal usage)
Battery SaverDisable Wakelock that prevent your CPU from sleeping
Google DNSUse Google DNS to bypass blocked websites and prevent your ISP from knowing what websites you're visiting.
Start SSHStart SSH connection upon starting injection.
[SSH/Setting]Connect ModeThere's two modes, iptables (root) which will require root and it only tunnel port 80 and 443 traffic.
VPN Service mode is for Android 4.0+ and will tunnel all traffic to your server. (Please use root mode, if you are having issue with VPN Service mode)
SSHSecure Shell is a encrypted network protocol for initiating text-based shell sessions on remote machines in a secure way.
SSH HostSSH IP/hostname
SSH PortThe port for your SSH server, normally will be port 22 (Normally public squid/http proxy will block port 22)
UsernameSSH username
PasswordSSH password
Data CompressionCompress data packet using zlib.
Upstream ProxyHTTP Injector currently is using port 8989 (fixed), you have to enable and set for the SSH to connect to HTTP Injector local proxy server.

Payload Keyword

Using the below keyword, the app will automatically replace with relavent data upon injection, you don't need to replace the word inside the square bracket unless you know what you are doing.
Supported keyword: [host] [port] [host_port] [protocol] [netData] [cr] [lf] [crlf] [lfcr]
KeywordAuto ReplacedMeaning
[host] host
[port]22Destination port
[host_port] host and port, seperated by colon :
[ssh] server ip and port that you set at settings
[protocol]HTTP\1.0 or HTTP\1.1HTTP protocol version
[netData]CONNECT [host_port] [protocol]Short form of three keywords
[cr]\rCarriage Return, U+000D
[lf]\nLine Feed, U+000A
[crlf]\r\nCR (U+000D) followed by LF (U+000A)
[lfcr]\n\rLF (U+000A) followed by CR (U+000D)
[crlf][crlf]\r\n\r\nTo indicate the end of HTTP header

Inject Method

NormalCONNECT [host_port] [protocol][crlf]Host: domain.com[crlf][crlf]
Front InjectGET http://domain.com/ HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host: domain.com[crlf][crlf]CONNECT [host_port] [protocol][crlf][crlf]
Back InjectCONNECT [host_port] HTTP/1.1[crlf][crlf]GET http://domain.com/ [protocol][crlf]Host: domain.com[crlf][crlf]
Front QueryCONNECT domain.com@[host_port][crlf]GET http://domain.com/ [protocol][crlf]Host: domain.com[crlf][crlf]
Back QueryCONNECT [host_port]@domain.com[crlf]GET http://domain.com/ [protocol][crlf]Host: domain.com[crlf][crlf]


  • 302 Error code - If you are getting 302 HTTP header code that means your ISP is redirecting your request to their captive portal page. Normally ISP blacklisted your remote proxy or the HTTP Payload
  • 400 Error code - This indicate that your payload is invalid and can't be understand by remote proxy
  • Connection timeout - It could be that your network connection is slow or the remote proxy is slow


  • Psiphon - To use with psiphon (uncheck Start SSH), you can't use [host_port] in your payload, you need to get the SSH IP of psipon and hardcode it (not tested)
  • OpenVPN - Disable "Start SSH" and use HTTP Injector with your OpenVPN if you don't have SSH server.
    You have to add http-proxy 8989 and bypass route route replace_to_your_remote_proxy_ip net_gateway (change "replace_to_your_remote_proxy_ip" to IP) to your VPN config.

Informação é poder.


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Use um chip pré-pago e tenha internet ilimitada, siga as dicas.

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